Below are links to websites that help users connect with vessels and ocean assets. Greenwater Foundation is currently developing an app to facilitate these connections, but until its launch, the links below serve as helpful resources.
Oceanic Information Center
This database still has information on research vessels located throughout the world, although it is not currently up to date, because funding was discontinued.
UNOLS – University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System
UNOLS ensures the efficient scheduling of scientific cruises aboard the 18 research vessels located at 14 operating institutions in the UNOLS organization. Both current and future schedules for these ships are available through the UNOLS scheduling link.
The EUROFLEETS+ project enables access to a unique fleet of 27 state-of-the-art research vessels from European and international partners. Through competitive Calls, researchers will be able to access the entire North Atlantic, Mediterranean, Black Sea, North Sea, Baltic Sea, Pacific Southern Ocean and Ross Sea. In addition to ship time, researchers will also have access to new AUVs and ROVs.
OFEG – Ocean Facilities Exchange Group
For every cruise on another organization’s ship, the beneficiary organization must mount a full cruise on one of its own ships in return, and to an equivalent ‘value’. The operating costs still fall to the shipowners, and each organization has an appropriate scheme of banking to support the process. An equivalence points system has been agreed for the value of each of the ships, to ensure like-for-like ‘value’. Points are allocated per ship or equipment day used.
MFP – Marine Facilities Planning
This website allows scientists to request ship time on the vessels of the US Academic Research Fleet. In order to use these marine facilities you must be a registered user of the MFP website. The published UNOLS research schedule can be viewed without an account.
NOC – National Oceanography Centre
National Marine Equipment Pool (NMEP) is the largest centralized marine scientific equipment pool in Europe. Suitable for studying a range of scientific disciplines, the NMEP holds more than 10,000 instruments and technologies, and provides scientists with access to skilled marine technicians and engineers.
The French Oceanographic Fleet has a variety of research ships, underwater devices and manned and autonomous submersibles which provide access to all the world’s oceans and seas, excluding polar regions. Characteristics of vessels and assets as well as schedules are found online.
ODIS is the United Nations access to research data, including ocean research vessels and assets.
Donate funds – click on the DONATE NOW payment button or provide funding through other resources using the following information: Greenwater Foundation, 104 N. Galveston Street, Arlington, VA 22203, EIN 92-1056279, contact person Meg Ruxton, Executive Director,
Donate vessels – send a message with information about the vessel and your contact information. A Greenwater Foundation representative will respond about the next steps for the donation of your vessel.
Greenwater Foundation
104 N Galveston St.
Arlington, VA 22203